What does s worded mean on twitter
What does s worded mean on twitter

what does s worded mean on twitter

If there is more than one word needing definition, it may be worth setting out their intended meanings in a mini ‘dictionary’ to the will, not a common occurrence.Text abbreviations are shortened versions of a word or phrase used. 1īut this needs to be very clear, and this can be done by defining the word in the will itself. This is the ordinary meaning of “children” and is that usually applied by a court if it is required to interpret a will – unless the language used in the will makes it clear the will-maker meant something different, referred to as a ‘contrary intention’. But it is those direct offspring from their parents, that is the first generation. The meaning of “children” hardly needs mentioning. Meaning of “children” – is its usual or ordinary meaning “Children” are their direct descendants only. Leaving a gift to “issue” in a will can therefore produce different outcomes as to who inherits compared to leaving it to just “children”.Ī person’s “issue” means all of their descendants, or offspring, including children. In state and territory succession legislation “issue” appears in provisions dealing with the construction of wills and intestacy, and also in some property legislation. “Issue” has a wider meaning than just “children”.Īs said about, issue means all of your lineal descendants, including your children, (see graphic below). The danger is that these differences and their potential consequences may not arise until after the will maker has gone, leaving the question what did the deceased really mean? This is about the meaning of issue in wills. These words have the potential to generate different interpretations and outcomes. Words like ‘issue’ and ‘children’ may be thought of in one way by some, but interpreted differently by others, see the infographic. Take care when using the words “children” and “issue” in a will and seek professional advice. This difference is important in interpreting distribution and substitution clauses in wills.

what does s worded mean on twitter

Issue is a technical legal term meaning all of a person’s lineal descendants, including but not limited to their children. See also: ‘ ‘My issue” – considering the meaning of issue in wills’ “Issue” is a legal word often used in wills

What does s worded mean on twitter